Articles and Reviews
Book Reviews of Published Work:
- Review of Signifying Pain: American Imago, Spring 2005 (I have this as a document)
- Review of The Bad Secret: Ploughshares, Winter, 2006-07.
- Review of The Bad Secret: Prairie Schooner, Winter, 2008
- Review of Night Garden, Ploughshares, spring, 2014.
- Review of Night Garden, Library JournaI, fall, 2014.
- Review of Night Garden, Solstice Magazine, fall 2014.
- Review of Night Garden, North American Review, January 2015.
- Review/essay on Night Garden, North American Review, January 2015.
- Review/essay on Night Garden, Psychoanalysis, Culture, and Society, July 2015
- Good reads
- Reviews of Poetry of Loss: Romantic and Contemporary Elegies, Routledge, 2023
Selected Articles and Reviews
- Harvard Review, “ The Book of Failures”
- On the Seawall: “The Wet Wound”
- Reviews of Poetry of Mourning
- The Emotion First and the Experience Later, Fall 2023
- “Ted Kooser’s Celebration of Metaphor”· The Critical Flame March 26, 2022.
- “For Love of the Earth, and the Luck of a Poet: On Derek Sheffield’s Not for Luck.”
- The Literature of Loss: Using Elegies as a Therapeutic Strategy for Coping with Grief The British Journal of Guidance and Counselling
- “Paradoxical Grief in Edward Hirsch’s Gabriel A Poem and Stranger by Night.
- “An Inheritance of Terror: Postmemory and Transgenerational Transmission of Trauma in Second Generation Jews after the Holocaust” for American Journal of Psychoanalysis (2020). (word document)
- “This Curious Strangeness that is Consoling: Psychoanalysis and Poetic Process” for Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis (2020). (word document)
- “A Fathers Grief: Elegy and Counter-Tradition in Edward Hirsch’s Gabriel A Poem” for Midwest Quarterly (2020). (word document)
- Interview with Edward Hirsch, for the Chronicle of Associated Writing Programs, for the Chronicle of Associated Writing Programs, October 2012.
- “Will it Grow Back?” First Person, The Washingtonian Magazine, Washington, D.C. December
- 2009.
- “The Necessity of Mourning: New Books on Psychoanalysis and Composition Theory,” College English, July 2003.
- “The Analyst’s New Couch,” in Remarkable Tales of Psychotherapy, edited by Jane Ryan,
- London: Karnac Books, Summer, 2007.